Our mission to share the joy of circus by creating exciting and unique events for the public.


Acrobat, hand balancing, hand-to-hand, acrobatics aerial straps
Mr. Spring blends acrobatics, hand balancing, and clowning into his signature acts. He got his start as a high level gymnast from OKC. Mr. Spring found his way into acrobatic circus arts easily. He trained handstands in Chicago with MSA & Circus Arts. Then went on to work with a variety of shows over the last decade including Big Apple Circus, Dolly Parton's Smoky Mountain Adventure, and numerous circus families producing shrine circus, and more.

Acrobatics, aerial rope, hand balancing, hula hoops, glass walking, singer
An ever-evolving circus creative, Natty Wild is a producer and performer has been described as “strength incarnate", bringing joy and heart into her energy packed performances. As a professional performer for 11 years, she started her career in Chicago and has since performed internationally from London to Las Vegas.